Breakfast at the Calgary Golf and Country Club with Special Guests
Canadian Rugby Legends Gareth Rees, Al Charron and Ryan Smith were there for a Q&A and to add some colour and insight into some of the Great Canadian moments in Rugby. We also had the privilege of listening to Doug Sturrock, who has completed his history of rugby in Canada called “It’s a Try”.
IT’S A TRY: The History of Rugby in Canada
If you have ever thought that rugby faces challenges in Canada, you should truly see what challenges it has already overcome!! In fact, if you have ever coached rugby or been involved in it as a player, referee, manager or served in any other capacity, you probably know Doug Sturrock, who has given well over 40 years of service to our game. Doug Sturrock coached at Magee Secondary for decades, was deeply involved with the Meralomas Rugby Club and of course, has given endless service with the BC Secondary Schools Rugby Union…and still continues to.
Incredibly, Doug has been amassing rare photographs, game summaries, Test Match reports, high school, club, provincial and International results all this time and has now just written and self-published an amazing book called “It’s a Try: The History of Rugby in Canada.” At over 1000 pages, it truly is an exceptional labour of one man’s love for our sport. And there is truly nothing else like it in Canada.
Attached is a photo showing just how comprehensive this tome of stories, memories, shared sacrifices and achievements really is. To obtain a copy, please email the author or call him directly and he will gladly autograph it personally for you as well. At $65 the price is an incredible value, and the photos alone are so rare that this book is worth more than twice that.
Doug Sturrock can be reached via email at; or via his landline at (604) 888-3949. This book is a great tribute to the history of our sport, written by a man who has been an incredible tribute of selfless service to it himself.